Part 1 - General Conditions


The following General Conditions apply to all Attendees.


1.1 All Attendees whether or not in possession of a Ticket shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions and are admitted to the Racecourse strictly subject to these Conditions. All Attendees are permitted access to the Racecourse at our discretion and must conduct themselves on the Racecourse in accordance with these Conditions and all reasonable rules, requests and guidelines which we may publish and impose from time to time. We reserve the right to amend and supplement these Conditions by publishing additional and supplementary conditions and guidelines from time to time and any variation will become effective once posted on our official website.
1.2 We reserve the right for the Safety Officer, without prior notice, to revoke or revise any of these Conditions and/or the Special Conditions on public safety grounds, and any such revocation or revision will be communicated to Attendees as soon as reasonably practicable.
1.3 Whilst these Conditions are intended to be comprehensive, Attendees are admitted to the Racecourse on the basis that they will comply with both the letter and the spirit of these Conditions.


2.1 Tickets may only be purchased or allocated by an authorised source approved by ARL.
2.2 Tickets are non-transferable and shall not be:
(a) transferred, sold or offered for sale:
(i) if prohibited by law;
(ii) to anyone under the age of 18; or
(iii) in the course of any business or profit-making enterprise whatsoever;
(b) coupled or bundled with any other product or services or used for any commercial or promotional purpose whatsoever; or
(c) offered or obtained as a competition prize,
without our consent (which we may withhold in our absolute discretion).
2.3 All Tickets issued by us or on our behalf shall remain our property at all times. We reserve the right to require the immediate return of all Tickets at any time.
2.4 Any Ticket obtained from an unauthorised provider or in breach of Condition 2.2 shall be void. Any person seeking to use a void Ticket may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the Racecourse and the Racecourse reserves the right to not refund any such void Tickets.
2.5 Any terms and conditions relevant to any Ticket shall apply to the relevant Ticket holder in addition to these Conditions.
2.6 No refund shall be given in respect of any unused part of any Ticket, including non-attendance in light of a positive Covid test.
2.7 These Conditions apply to all Attendees irrespective of whether or not an Attendee has paid for admission and whether or not an Attendee has been issued with a Ticket or other document or entitlement to enter the Racecourse.
2.8 Any data provided to ARL when obtaining Tickets will be managed in line with the ARL’s Privacy Policy, which is available from
2.9 ARL may retain records of any suspected misuse of Tickets or other documents or entitlements to enter the Racecourse and may share those records with other racecourses and/or the British Horseracing Authority.
2.10 Any Attendee holding any Ticket will be admitted only on presentation of the relevant Ticket. Any Attendee who fails to bring his or her Ticket to a Raceday will only be admitted on payment of the full daily admission price for the relevant enclosure (if any) applicable on the day and provided sufficient space remains in the relevant enclosure.
2.11 Attendees must ensure that badges are securely attached to their clothing on Racedays and visible at all times and otherwise show Tickets to officials at any time upon request.
2.12 Minors can be admitted to the Racecourse free of charge for all meetings other than the Royal Meeting, but remain bound by these Conditions and their parent or guardian shall ensure that the Minor in question observes such Conditions;
2.13 We accept no responsibility for lost or stolen Tickets and have no obligation to replace a lost or stolen Ticket. In the event that we decide to replace a lost or stolen Ticket we may charge a fee to do so.
2.14 If you decide to leave the Racecourse at any time other than in accordance with official instructions, you may be refused re-entry.


3.1 Permission to enter the Racecourse does not constitute guaranteed entry to any particular area of the Racecourse or any Racecourse buildings or facilities. We reserve the right to refuse or condition access to areas of the Racecourse from time to time and on a temporary or permanent basis.
3.2 Unless we give specific permission (either in the Special Conditions or otherwise from time to time) Attendees are prohibited from entering the racing surface, the Weighing Room, the Stewards’ Room, the Sampling Unit, the Racecourse Stables, the Judges’ Box, the Winners’ Enclosure, the Parade Ring, the Pre-parade ring, the Horse-walker, the Racecourse Data Collection Area and any other areas marked private or to which we may restrict access from time to time.
3.3 Children under twelve are not allowed to enter the Winners’ Enclosure, the Pre-parade ring or the Parade Ring in any circumstances.
3.4 The Ticket issued to an Attendee may restrict access to certain areas of the Racecourse including the various enclosures. Where a Ticket restricts access to some or all enclosures, transfers between enclosures may be possible on a Raceday. Transfers will be subject to application at the Ticket Office.
3.5 Attendees acknowledge that parts of the Racecourse are covered by closed circuit television cameras for safety and security purposes, and by accessing the Racecourse each Attendee consents to being filmed by such cameras.
3.6 No Ticket gives any Attendee any right to receive, use or exploit any racing data, audio, visual or audio-visual coverage of any race or fixture. All such rights are reserved. Any coverage or data made available at the Racecourse is made available for the personal use and consumption of Attendees only and redistribution to any person outside the Racecourse is strictly prohibited.
3.7 ARL may decide to operate a late gate policy in respect of certain Meetings. Details of such late gate policy will be published on this website from time to time.
3.8 When there is a concert or after party at Ascot, there will be no admission to the racecourse after the final race has been run.


4.1 We reserve the right at any time, without prior notice and without providing reasons to refuse admission to or expel and/or ban any Attendee who, in our reasonable opinion:
(a) has breached or is likely to breach these Conditions;
(b) has previously been banned from attending the Racecourse;
(c) has or is likely to commit an offence or otherwise do anything which is unlawful; and/or
(d) behaves or is likely to behave in an unacceptable or unruly manner or in a manner likely to cause offence to other Attendees.
4.2 All Attendees must follow the reasonable written and/or verbal instructions of the Safety Officer and other safety stewards, other staff and officials and the police or other emergency services at all times.
4.3 In the interests of safety we may request to conduct personal body searches of Attendees and/or search their personal belongings. We shall be entitled to refuse entry to or expel from the Racecourse any Attendee who refuses to comply with such a request.
4.4 Prohibited Items must not be brought onto the Racecourse. Any Attendee in possession of such items who refuses to give them up will be refused entry to the Racecourse or expelled.
4.5 The following is not permitted on the Racecourse:
(a) any behaviour which may distract or frighten the horses;
(b) any behaviour which may disrupt or impair the experience of other Attendees;
(c) any racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory behaviour;
(d) foul or abusive language or behaviour;
(e) consumption or drugs or excessive consumption of alcohol;
(f) excessively rowdy stag, hen or other large parties;
(g) offensive or inappropriate fancy dress;
(h) activities contrary to or inconsistent with the obligations we owe to our Broadcast Partners or Commercial Partners;
(i) climbing fences, stands or any other structures or buildings;
(j) throwing any object without lawful authority or excuse;
(k) obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits, entrances, stairways and similar places;
(l) damaging or defacing Racecourse property;
smoking and/or the use of electronic cigarettes in any designated “No Smoking” areas;
(m) Any unauthorised marketing or promotional activity;
(n) any unauthorised charitable collections; and
(o) such other behaviour as we may deem inappropriate and/or unacceptable.
4.6 With regard to alcohol, each Attendee (other than a Minor) is permitted to bring onto the Racecourse one bottle of champagne or sparkling wine as an accompaniment to a picnic.
4.7 We reserve the right to designate any and all areas of the Racecourse as “No Smoking” areas.
4.8 From time to time we will close race track crossings for safety reasons. Attendees are prohibited from attempting to cross any closed crossing or attempting to cross the race track other than at an open crossing.
4.9 If you are expelled or banned from the Racecourse for any reason set out in these Conditions, you will not be eligible for any compensation, refund, readmission or other redress.


5.1 All Attendees must comply with the dress code for each race day, for each enclosure and/or any other areas of the Racecourse where a dress code may be in force from time to time. We reserve the right to refuse an Attendee access to any area of the Racecourse where a dress code is in force with which the Attendee is not complying. Details of the relevant dress codes in force at each Meeting may be found on our website by clicking here.
Attendees must not wear any clothing which may appear partisan or which may cause offence to others.


6.1 Only those Attendees who have been given express prior permission by us by virtue of Special Conditions to engage in Trading may do so and all other Trading is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to and includes:
(a) any unauthorised Ticket or racecard sellers or hawkers; and
(b) any person directly or indirectly involved in the collation and/or distribution of any audio, visual, audio-visual coverage of or data relating to any race or fixture at the Racecourse or any other British racecourse which has not been expressly permitted in advance by us.
6.2 We reserve the right to confiscate any equipment, stock or other materials in the possession of any Attendee whilst on the Racecourse who is, or whom we reasonably believe to be, involved in unauthorised Trading.
6.3 We reserve the right to take such legal action (including where appropriate obtaining injunctive and other relief) against or in respect of any person who is in breach of this Condition 6, who has in the past breached this Condition 6 (or any equivalent prior provision) or whom we reasonably believe will breach this Condition 6.
6.4 Where any unauthorised advertising or other sponsorship, promotional or marketing material is distributed to Attendees outside the Racecourse including but not limited to items of clothing, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any Attendee in possession of such material and to confiscate such material from Attendees within the Racecourse.


7.1 No Attendee may lay bets or otherwise conduct any betting or gaming business whilst on the Racecourse unless specifically entitled to do so by us by virtue of the appropriate Special Conditions. This does not prohibit Attendees placing bets with
those on-course bookmakers or other properly authorised betting businesses or on-line.


8.1 Attendees are prohibited from taking food, drink, glass bottles and glasses onto any part of the Racecourse except for any areas where this is specifically permitted by us, which shall be listed on the website from time to time. It is also prohibited to take alcoholic drinks off the site when leaving at the end of the Raceday.
8.2 Attendees may not light fires or use barbecues anywhere on the Racecourse.


Non-compliance with the following provisions will constitute a serious breach of these Conditions, as a result of which we shall have the right to cancel and withdraw any Ticket or other entitlements issued to you and eject you from the Racecourse. Use of Communication Devices at the Racecourse is strictly controlled and limited. You are not permitted to make any commercial use of any audio/visual coverage, still images or data relating to racing and/or Ancillary Events at the Racecourse.
9.1 Save as expressly permitted by these Conditions (including without limitation by Condition 9.7), you shall not use any Communication Device to capture, record, store, transmit or broadcast any footage, data or other material relating to any race, fixture or other race-related activity (including Ancillary Events) at the Racecourse.
9.2 In particular, you must not capture, record, store or transmit (including live stream):
(a) any pictures of horses preparing for a race – including pre-parade riding, Saddling Boxes and Parade Ring;
(b) any pictures of jockeys preparing for a race – including Weighing Room and Parade Ring;
(c) any Race Material (either at the Racecourse or any other racecourse) – this includes either “live” or pictures from the on-course CCTV;
(d) any data relating to any race (either at the Racecourse or any other racecourse) – e.g. odds, Going, colours and colour changes, jockey changes, results; or
(e) any activities in Integrity Areas.
9.3 The list in Condition 9.2 is indicative of the types of activity prohibited by Condition 9.1 but that list is not exhaustive (meaning that there may be other activities which would fall within the prohibition in Condition 9.1).
9.4 You agree that all copyright and other intellectual property rights in any unauthorised still, audio, visual, audio-visual coverage or other data is hereby assigned to us by way of present assignment of future rights. If these Conditions are not sufficient to give effect to this assignment you will do all such things and execute all such documents as we may require to transfer ownership of those rights to ARL. You waive any so-called “moral rights” (including rights to be identified as the author, and the right to object to derogatory treatment) that you may have in relation to any such materials.
9.5 You acknowledge and agree that racing data as set out in Condition 9.2(d) above constitutes ARL's (or its licensor's) intellectual property and confidential information and that you must not collect, collate, aggregate, copy, communicate, publish, market, sell. or otherwise use any such data without ARL's express consent. Attendees should be aware that we, or our authorised representatives, will
vigorously prosecute any Attendee who breaches or is likely to breach this Condition.
9.6 Unless specifically permitted by these Conditions, you shall not use mobile telephones or any other communications device whilst on the Racecourse to communicate with anyone outside the Racecourse for the purpose of or in connection with any betting.
9.7 Mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted on the Racecourse PROVIDED THAT:
(a) they are used for personal and private use only (which, for the avoidance of doubt and by way of example only, shall not include the capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, issuing, showing, or any other communication of any Race Material for any commercial purposes);
(b) no Race Material that is captured by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social networking sites;
(c) No flash photography or photography of the racing surface is taken;
(d) They are not used to breach any of this Condition 9.
9.8 You agree that all copyright and other intellectual property rights in any unauthorised still, audio, visual, audio-visual coverage or other data is hereby assigned to us by way of present assignment of future rights. If these Conditions are not sufficient to give effect to this assignment you will do all such things and execute all such documents as we may require to transfer ownership of those rights to ARL. You waive any so-called “moral rights” (including rights to be identified as the author, and the right to object to derogatory treatment) that you may have in relation to any such materials
9.9 By entering the Racecourse, all Attendees are acknowledging that photographic images and/or video recordings (and/or stills taken from video recordings) may be taken of them and may also be used, by way of example and without limitation, in televised coverage of the Meeting or by or on behalf of ARL (or their Commercial Partners) for marketing, or promotional purposes. Entry into the Racecourse is confirmation that all Attendees have consented to such use of their image.
9.10 Non-compliance with the above provisions constitutes a serious breach of these Conditions, as a result of which we have the right to cancel and withdraw any Ticket issued to you.
9.11 We reserve the right to confiscate any Communications Device in the possession or under the control of any Attendee who has breached or is likely to breach this Condition 9 or any person associated with such an Attendee, and delete any such content that breaches these Conditions.


10.1 Without prejudice to Condition 9, other than persons specifically admitted to the Racecourse on the basis of Special Conditions all other Attendees are prohibited from engaging in the publication, broadcast or distribution by any other means of any composition, report or other material. The prohibition in this Condition 10 applies irrespective of the means of publication, broadcast, distribution.


11.1 All Attendees (which for the purposes of this Condition includes horses and Attendees with children) are reminded that many races and fixtures are given
coverage and made publicly available on television, radio, on the internet and in print and various other forms of media throughout the world. By entering the Racecourse you accept (for yourself and on behalf of any horse or children in your care) that you/they may appear in such coverage, as well as in printed or electronic material consisting of moving and/or still imagery used for the promotion and marketing of the Racecourse and horseracing in general, and for entertainment, editorial and training purposes, by ARL, its business partners and other media organisations. If you do not wish to be included in such coverage or other material, please do not attend the Racecourse.
11.2 You acknowledge that, on request, you may be asked to give additional consents or waivers required for the unrestricted lawful use of any coverage (if any) without request for payment or imposing any other conditions.
11.3 You acknowledge that the Racecourse is, by its nature, a public place, and you should have no expectation of privacy as regards your actions and conduct at the Racecourse. If you are identifiable in any coverage or printed or electronic material as a result of your attendance at the Racecourse, ARL (and/or its business partners) will process your personal data in accordance with its legitimate interests for the purpose of making, exploiting and promoting its business and the Racecourse. You can learn more about how your personal data will be processed by visiting the ARL’s Privacy Policy available here.
11.4 You acknowledge that CCTV/ANPR recording is in operation throughout the Racecourse and that data, video and audio footage may be passed on to the police or other enforcement bodies in connection with civil and criminal enforcement.


12.1 Animals other than those competing, those required for disabled assistance, or those specifically authorised by ARL are not allowed on any part of the Racecourse. Where dogs are permitted they must be kept on leads at all times and must not be allowed to foul anywhere on the Racecourse.
12.2 To the extent we are legally able to do so, we reserve the right, if necessary, to force entry into a car to release animals which may be suffering, and we shall not be liable for any damage to property arising from any such forced entry.


13.1 Nothing in these Conditions shall limit or exclude our liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence or fraudulent act or omission.
13.2 Nothing in these Conditions shall affect the statutory rights of any Attendee attending the Racecourse as a consumer.
13.3 Subject to Conditions 13.1 and 13.2, any property brought onto the Racecourse by an Attendee remains at all times at the entire risk of the Attendee. The Racecourse accepts no responsibility for the theft or other loss or damage to Attendees’ property.
13.4 Subject to Condition 13.1 and 13.2, ARL excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Racecourse.
13.5 If you leave any property at the Racecourse we will endeavour to retain such property for a period of three months during which time you may contact us to arrange a time to collect it. Any property left unclaimed at the Racecourse for longer than this period will be disposed of.
13.6 Attendees accept that, by its very nature, attending race meetings is not without risk. Attendees must therefore remain vigilant and exercise a reasonable degree of caution and care for themselves and those around them at all times.
13.7 All property found at the Racecourse which is not reclaimed will only be retained for a period of 3 months.
13.8 You are responsible for any damage you cause (or a child in your care causes) to the Racecourse, any fixtures and fittings or goods or equipment owned by or in the possession of ARL at the Racecourse and for any damage caused to the property of any other person or business present at the Racecourse.


14.1 All vehicles parked or stored within the Racecourse are parked at the owners risk and the Racecourse accepts no responsibility for such vehicles or their contents.
14.2 Access to the Racecourse (which includes the Car Parks) is subject to these Conditions.
14.3 Vehicles not permitted to remain in the car parks overnight. Vehicles left overnight may be towed away.
14.4 ARL reserves the right to inspect and/or search vehicles prior to entry to the Car Parks. If any customers or their guests do not agree to such inspection or searches when asked, they will be refused entry to the Car Park.
14.5 Please note that without the appropriate car park label displayed, vehicles will not be allowed into the Car Parks. Car Park labels remain the property of ARL.
14.6 All vehicles must be driven with the utmost care whilst on the Racecourse and all vehicle drivers must comply with all instructions of staff and other officials at the Racecourse. Vehicles must only be driven along routes and parked in areas specifically designated by ARL. We reserve the right to require that any vehicle be moved, or to move any vehicle, if it is not parked in an area designated by ARL or if it is otherwise obstructing the smooth operation of the Racecourse or represents a safety hazard.

15.1 ARL may find it necessary from time to time to abandon, hold behind closed doors or cancel any Event, Meeting and/or Race, any time, whether on its own election, for reasons of Force Majeure or in accordance with directions from the BHA and any successor body, the police or other emergency services.
15.2 ARL’s policy regarding refunds for abandoned or cancelled Meetings is as follows, or as otherwise updated by ARL from time to time:
(a) Abandonment before the running of the first Race – full refund.
(b) Abandonment before the third or feature Race, whichever is later – 50% refund.
(c) Abandonment after the feature Race – no refund given.
15.3 Refunds will only be made to the original purchaser of the Tickets.
15.4 In the event that a refund is due to an Attendee pursuant to the Racecourse policy, refunds cannot be made on Racedays. To obtain a refund Attendees should send their Ticket and all associated badges and other documentation with full address details, within 3 months of the date of the Meeting to: The Head of Sales, Ascot Racecourse, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JX.
15.5 Save as set out in these Conditions, we will have no further liability in relation to any abandoned or delayed Race, Event or a Race Meeting held behind closed doors, including in respect of any travel or accommodation costs, or any compensation in respect of loss of enjoyment or potential winnings.
15.6 We give no guarantee that:
(a) any Race or Meeting will take place; nor
(b) any particular horse or jockey will appear in any Race or Meeting;
nor do we give any representation or warranty concerning the nature or quality of any Race or Meeting which may be held at the Racecourse.
15.7 Save as provided above, we shall not be liable to any Attendee if and to the extent that any failure or omission by us results from any event of Force Majeure.
15.8 It is responsibility of the Attendee to check whether a raceday has been cancelled or rescheduled and the date and time or any rescheduled race or raceday. We will endeavour to provide advance notice and information regarding any cancellations or rescheduling on the Racecourse's website.


16.1 Attendees acknowledge that an Event may be scheduled to take place outdoors and an Event may be delayed, cancelled or re-scheduled at any time by ARL due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation due to Force Majeure). Where reasonably necessary, ARL reserves the right to make alterations to the published programme relating to the Event.
16.2 In the event that any Event is delayed, cancelled or re-scheduled, no refund shall be given.
16.3 We give no guarantee that any Event will take place. Where an Event is cancelled or re-scheduled, where practicable, we will take reasonable steps to notify you using the details you provided us with at the time of purchasing your Ticket. However:
(a) we do not guarantee that you will be informed of such cancellation or re-scheduling before the date of the Event; and
(b) it is responsibility of the Attendee to check whether an Event has been cancelled or rescheduled and the date and time or any rescheduled Event.
16.4 Save as set out in these Conditions, we will have no further liability in relation to any cancelled, delayed or re-scheduled Event.


17.1 Ticket prices are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right to charge VAT (or any other applicable tax or levy) on any other services supplied including sponsorship and corporate hospitality. There are no refunds for any Tickets purchased either over the phone or online, therefore you are advised to select your Tickets carefully.


18.1 In the event of an emergency all areas must be evacuated. Please listen to announcements over the public address system. Any emergency should be reported immediately to a member of the Racecourse staff and/or the Safety Officer.


19.1 We will use our discretion in deciding when to enforce these Conditions. The nature and complexity of racecourse operations means that we are unlikely to enforce these Conditions in every instance in which there is a breach. Nonetheless we reserve the right to enforce (without limitation whether by taking practical steps and/or bringing legal proceedings) in every instance where we deem it appropriate. No failure or delay to enforce, or decision by us not to enforce, should be construed as a waiver of our right to do so.

20 LAW

20.1 These Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of a dispute relating to these Conditions, any contract we have with you or any other claim you may have against the ARL (including in negligence).